Friday, April 29, 2011

Up for Grabs: May 6&7!

We took some pictures of just a few of the things that will be for sale and had a great time doing it! If you see something you absolutely must have, comment and let us know you want to reserve it :)

I hope to see you at the sale!



  1. :O I would love to reserve that white dress with the brown belt. PS Hope this isn't super creepy. I don't know you guys at all, just saw your post about the sale on somebody's facebook. :}

  2. Oi, that striped dress. I'd die. Die. Die.
    Whutcho prices lookin' at?

  3. @Brandie

    Hey girl! I'm so glad you saw us on FB! You're not creepy at all ;)

    The white dress is actually light pink. We were thinking about dyeing it a purple color, but if you would prefer to have it light pink, we won't dye it! We're selling it for $12.

    Thanks for your interest! See you at the sale :)

  4. @Brenna

    Isn't it an awesome dress!? Straight outta the 80s girl. We're selling it for $14. Dresses will range from $10-$20. Nothing over $25.

    See you at the sale! We'll have the dress waiting for you :)

  5. Hey there. Can't make the sale, sadly, but how much is Lauren? I'm totally interested in buying Lauren...

